Sunday, 15 April 2012

Easter in Switzerland

Michelle, Silvan and Finn, painting Easter-eggs. (Michelle and Silvan are Finn's cousins)

Easter Sunday morning in Fischenthal (the town where I have spent part of my childhood and where my parents live).

Our rental car (for the next two month). 

The family gathering for Easter brunch!

having fun in the snow (at least some of us....)

I almost forgot........
the last word for the toad:

"The land of cheese and cow-shit"

Switzerland, a living postcard of times gone by. Leave the towns and cities and one steps back in time, to an area where nature has been uninfected for hundreds of years. However, if you should be a magpie attempting to build a nest in suburbia, you had better watch out, the bastards will take a chainsaw to your chosen tree three times over. 
Natural beauty  5 Stars
Food  5 Stars
Cleanliness 5 Stars
Sense of humour  1 Star
Spring temperature 1-5 Stars

1 comment:

  1. this looks amazing!! hatte schon fast vergessen das es gleich um die Ecke so tolle Natur gibt!
    Liebe Gruesse aus Nepal!
    Ich wuensch euch weiterhin viel Spass
    liebe Gruesse
