Friday 23 March 2012

Halong Bay

Trip from Hanoi to Halong Bay

Reise von Hanoi nach Halong Bay

Rice, as far as you can see

Reis, so weit das Auge reicht

Limestone caves in north east Vietnam

Kalksteinhoehlen in Nordost Vietnam

A floating village, with a floating shop, school and houses. People live from fishing and tourism.

Ein schwimmendes Dorf mit allem drum und dran, inklusive schwimmende Schule.

Our trip includes one night on the boat - absolute stillness!
Wir verbringen eine Nacht auf dem Boot und geniessen die Stille!

It is "fog-season" in North Vietnam, sunshine is rare. The fog ads mystique to a incredible landscape!
Nord-Vietnam ist meistens in eine Nebeldecke gehuellt und die Sonne zeigt sich kaum. Der Nebel verleiht der Landschaft jedoch einen besonderen Reiz und ich kann kaum von der Kamera lassen!

A pearl-farm

Eine Perlen Farm

A "stroll through the jungle" ends in a three hour climb up and down a mountain, a mud sliding contest and very wet gear!

Ein kleiner Spaziergang wird schlussendlich eine dreistuendige Bergwanderung, Schlammschlacht und sehr nassen Kleidern.....

A hairdresser

Ein Friseur

The easiest way to explore is by motorbike!

Um die Umgebung zu erforschen mieten wir haeufig ein Motorrad.

Market in Catba

A meal on a floating restaurant

Ein Essen auf einem schwimmenden Restaurant
...the menue...

...die Speisekarte...

and the kitchen...

und die Kueche...

For ease we have done a few tours whilst travelling through Vietnam, just to discover that we probably aren't the ideal candidates for it.......

from the toad:

Halong Bay - 
considered to be the eight wonder of the world.
I did wonder why I went!
Tourists - ourselves included were herded around like cattle, pushed and prodded from bus to boat and boat to bus. Himmler would have described it as "the final solution" we however were fortunate enough to escape. Our hotel at least had running water, running down the walls, dripping from the ceiling. Again, we were better off than some, we had duckboards on the bedroom floor. On the day of departure we and 16 other suckers waited in the rain for 5 hours for our boat back to the main land. Once there we were crammed into a bus - a 10 seater crowded with 19 people plus backpacks. We took the death-ride back to Hanoi. Pedal to the metal, pouring rain and mutiny. Cowering from threats and shouted abuse, the tour guide refused to hand anyones receipts, no one was to be compensated. Scuffles broke out between passengers, tour guide and driver. They had won. Not to be outdone, we and one other tracked down the main man and pushed him from $5.-- to $10.-- each as compensation. A jolly good dinner followed. 
natural beauty 5 Stars
everything else 0 Stars
advice  priceless - stay at home!

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Train-trip to Hanoi and Impressions of Hanoi

Vietnam has a train that connects the big cities of Hanoi and Saigon.  After our  rather frightening bus experiences we opt for a sleeper on the train between Hue and Hanoi (more than 12 hours for less than 300 km). 

Nebst Motorraedern, Bussen, Autos und Fahrraedern gibt es auch noch einen Zug. Zwischen Hue und Hanoi buchen wir uns einen harten Liegeplatz im Zug. Die Reise ist gemuetlich - ueber 12 Stunden fuer weniger als 300km.....
Incense Sticks


I am fascinated by the possibilities that motorbikes and bicycles offer - with their help,  the Vietnamese move the world!

Die zweiraederigen fahrbaren Untersaetze bieten Moeglichkeiten, die ganze Welt zu transportieren.  Mir imponiert der Mut und auch die Geschicklichkeit der jeweiligen Fahrer.

The old part of Hanoi (where we stay) offers an array of streets that sell everything from plumbing supplies to gold jewellery and everything in between! 

Wir wohnen in der Altstadt von Hanoi, an Sammelsurium von Laeden,  die alles von Schuhen, Goldschmuck bis  Sanitaer-Artikel und Essbarem verkaufen! Gehsteige sind prinzipiell Parkplaetze fuer Motorraeder.

Life happens manly on the street, cooking, playing, selling, eating and urinating......

The Barber

Der Barber und Friseur

We haven't seen many birds in the wild, keeping some in bird cages is very popular.

The fish-monger

Einen Grossteil des Lebens spielt sich am Strassenrand ab, essen, verkaufen, spielen und auch mal pinkeln....

Sandra, the first Bavarian banana seller in Hanoi......meeting fellow travellers from all over  the world and having a winch is part of it!

Sandra, Vietnams einzige bayrische Bananen-Verkaeuferin! Eine Reisebekanntschaft -endlich wieder mal weibliche Gesellschaft!